Crohn’s Disease

Overview of Crohn’s Disease
A type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease causes your digestive tract to become swollen and irritated. If you have Crohn’s, you might experience symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss and rectal bleeding. This is a life-long condition that cannot be cured. However, the treatments for Crohn’s disease typically control your symptoms and allow you to live an active life.
People with Crohn’s disease can experience periods of severe symptoms (flare-ups) followed by periods of no or very mild symptoms (remission). Remission can last weeks or even years. There’s no way to predict when flare-ups will happen.
Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease
If you have Crohn’s disease, symptoms you might have can include:
Abdominal pain.
Chronic diarrhea.
A feeling of fullness.
A loss of your appetite.
Weight loss.
Abnormal skin tags.
Anal fissures.
Anal fistulas.
Rectal bleeding

Causes of Crohn’s Disease:
The exact cause of Crohn’s disease remains unknown. Previously, diet and stress were suspected, but now doctors know that these factors may aggravate, but don’t cause, Crohn’s disease. Several factors, such as heredity and a malfunctioning immune system, likely play a role in its development.
Immune system.
It’s possible that a virus or bacterium may trigger Crohn’s disease; however, scientists have yet to identify such a trigger. When your immune system tries to fight off the invading microorganism, an abnormal immune response causes the immune system to attack the cells in the digestive tract, too.
Crohn’s is more common in people who have family members with the disease, so genes may play a role in making people more susceptible. However, most people with Crohn’s disease don’t have a family history of the disease.
Ayurvedic Treatment of Crohn’s Disease
At Atharvaveda, we offer a very effective treatment methodology based on the classical texts of Ayurveda. The treatment comprises administration of rasayanas, application of specially formulated oils/powders/packs externally, along with US-FDA approved hair therapy that Stimulates hair growth and reduces hair breakage Visible results in 5 weeks without any side effects.
Apart from medical management, controlling Stress, eating healthy & balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and a healthy lifestyle are extremely necessary to arrest hair loss.

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